" " " Finding the Best Wine Bottle Openers | Wine Openers "

Whenever you go out to buy a wine corkscrew, you may just think that you are buying a wine corkscrew and nothing else. You may also think that that they are all the same, and you can just pick up any kind you want. Well, today we are going to talk about the features that you should look for in a corkscrew to make sure you are getting the best for your money. We will talk about a few of the fancy up class ones and if they are better than the old fashion ones. The corkscrew is one of those inventions that has been remade over and over again. However, what a lot of people do not understand is that the normal lever wine openers are the best for you. We will now go into more details on why.

There are some very fancy corkscrews out there that you can buy. However, one of the best is, of course, the lever wine opener. This is one of the best corkscrews, because it requires very little effort on your part. Not only that, but a lot of them come with little replacement tips that you can put on them if they ever get warn out. These are good for people that have very limited arm strength. If you are a person with arthritis, you may like the lever style best. If you have enough money, you can go out and spend tons of money on an electric wine opener, which works great, but most people just need your everyday run-of-the-mill wine opener, and the lever wine corkscrew is for you.

Also, be sure to make sure that your wine corkscrew is made out of metal and not plastic. There are a lot of plastic tipped corkscrews out there, but they do not work well. Sure, they may work good for a little bit, but you always risk the chance of these breaking off a lot easier in the cork. Also, over time you will notice that the plastic starts to get bent out of shape. When you first get it, it will be twisted all the way down. Over years of use, the twist in it will start straightening out, and you will have nothing more than a straight corkscrew that is going to do you know good. So be sure to stick with what works, and that is the metal wine corkscrew.

Last, but not least, if you are going to get a manual twist corkscrew and not a lever corkscrew, then you need to go with one that is very sturdy and has an off center tip. You will have to have a lot more aim when using these. You risk a much less chance of breaking the cork with the corkscrew. That is because of the chosen spot for the point of the center of the turning radius. Overall, these are things that most people would more than likely not think too much about when they go to get a corkscrew. However, putting just a little time and effort into it could be all you need to get one that will last you a lifetime.

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