" " " Your Amazing Skin and What it Does For You | Wine Openers "

Your skin is actually the largest organ in your body. It's actually comprised of three layers, the epidermis or top layer, the dermis, or middle layer, and the subcutaneous or inner layer. Your skin is the barrier between your body and the outside world, and protects your insides from the outside world.

Your skin has four major functions.

It keeps harmful biological and non biological stuff out, like bacteria, pollutants, viruses and more.

It regulates your body temperature.  When you are hot, you sweat, releasing water and toxins and cooling you down. When you're cold, tiny muscles around your hair follicles cause goose bumps and help you warm.

Of course your skin is a waterproof barrier as well, keeping moisture inside and preventing your body from being flooded when you swim or bathe.

It also serves as a sensory receptor, and can feel pain, which indicates danger, pleasure, and well as environmental and temperature conditions.

Your skin actually regenerates every 15 to 18 days when you are young, slowing down to regenerating every several months once you hit your seventies and later. It weights up to about 11 pounds and is mainly made of water, along with protein and a little fat.

Your skin naturally ages, but you can keep it from aging faster than normal by taking care of it. Avoiding sunlight is the biggest factor, but not smoking or coming in contact with lots of second hand smoke is another significant factor, as well as diet.

Your skin is not only your largest organ but pretty amazing as well!

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Posted by Durio Labels:


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