" " " Using a Rabbit Corkscrew Securely | Wine Openers "
Wednesday 12 May 2010 at 01:05 |  

The rabbit corkscrew is a wise used device when it comes to opening wines. Even if it is very easy to use and manipulate, there are people that say it can get unreliable and even hard to handle, but their problem is not the opener. They simply do not know how to use it correctly and this is where their problem comes from. For all of you new comers to the wine lovers community, here are some basic instructions on opening a bottle with a rabbit corkscrew.

- The first thing you have to do before starting to use the rabbit corkscrew on a bottle, is to remove any type of protections the bottle has. This means no seals; no foils or any other packaging should be present. People that try to use the opener on bottles with seals will only make the opening process a lot more complicated and a lot harder than it should be.

- Then, you should take the corkscrew by its handles and place it on the bottle. You will notice how it will securely attach itself to the bottle. Manage the handles a bit so that the device is tightly placed, in such a way that it may even be able to lift the entire weight of the bottle if detached from the table.

- When the rabbit corkscrew has pierced the cork, you can begin to squeeze on the handles gently. No force is required to pull the cork out. If you attempt to open the bottle by force, as it is required when using other openers, you might damage the device. So simply push the handles concomitantly until the cork pops out. It will only take some seconds if handled correctly.

- If your rabbit corkscrew hasn't been used for a while, it might need some technical revisions. Any mishandling or damage that is not attended to can affect its integrity in such a way that it might start to push the cork down inside instead of pulling it upwards. Make sure all parts are securely placed before using an old opener.

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Posted by Durio Labels: , ,


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