" " " Trabajo de ingles: Red Red Wine | Wine Openers "
Wednesday 5 May 2010 at 22:45 |  
UB40 are a British pop and dub reggae formed in Birmingham, England in 1978. Its eight components are friends since childhood, of various races and from the working class: Alastair Campbell, Robin Campbell, James Brown, Earl Falconer, Norman Hassan, Brian Travers, Michael Virtue and Astro. They bought their first instruments with the money that Ali received as compensation for a fight they had in a pub, although some still did not know touch. They obtained their name of the application form for payment of unemployment insurance, Unemployment Benefit Form 40 (form of unemployment benefits 40) because the eight members of the group were unemployed. They recorded a demo that was issued by a radio station and began playing in some pubs and nightclubs, until Chrissie Hynde, the lead singer of The Pretenders saw them play and offered to accompany her as openers for their tour group during the 1979 . In 1980, they released their first album Signing off and created their own record company DEP International with the publishing Present Arms in Dub In 1984 and launching its own version of the famous Red Red Wine by Neil Diamond (included in which he says is his best album Labor of Love) got their first hit and subsequent rise to fame. In 2009, the training continues to be active and doing international concerts although Ali Campbell, lead vocalist, left the group in 2008 and currently is recording and promoting her new group called "The Dep Band".

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