" " " Wine Opener Favor | Wine Openers "
Wednesday 1 September 2010 at 09:02 |  

Wine themed celebrations are my favorite type of celebrations. Not only because you are practically guaranteed great food and drink, but also because I love the wonderful wine theme favors that are given out at these events!

I've received many of these favors over the years including bottles of wine, wine scented soaps and candles, wine coasters and wine bottle stoppers. But by far the most practical, and in a sense the ones that I appreciated most, were the wine opener favors.

These favors are both functional and elegant at the same time as they are typically made of stainless steel or brushed metal. Small is size but big on their bottle opening ability. And no wine connoisseur would get caught dead not having one of these on his or her body at all times. After all, you never know when you are about to come face to face with a great bottle of wine!

What to look for in a wine opener tool:

·         Compact in size. You want it to easily fit into a purse or a pocket.

·         At the very least, It must have a retractable corkscrew and knife.

·         Lightweight but solid feel.

If the opener tools don't already come gift packaged you can easily take care of that yourself. Small, drawstring organza bags are perfectly sized to hold these bar tool favors.  If you really want to go all out with the presentation have small, personalized hang tags made and attach them to each favor bag.

Diva Entertains, Copyright 2009

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Posted by Durio Labels:


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