" " " Follow the Grapevine Along Rhode Island's Coast For a Fine Wine Tasting Tour | Wine Openers "

The fact that Rhode Island is home to several wineries and vineyards producing fine wines is testament to the secret of successful grape cultivation called "terroir" based on climate, soil, geography, and topography. The Big Four have impact on the grape growing environment which translates directly to bottled wine.

Climate-regions found in the middle of the 30th and 50th degree latitude are best for growing grapes. Little Rhody's latitude of 41° N with influential coastal breezes gives it the ripe altitude.

Soil-grapes prefer deep, well-drained, sandy, or gravelly loam soils. Any gardeners from the area will attest to tools bent out of shape from encountering rocks along the rites of passage.

Geography/Topography-- since grapes can grow on sloping land, The Ocean State has rolling hills in the north and west with lowlands in the south and east which benefit by warmer ocean breezes. Let the virtual vineyard tour for wine tasting begin by blazing a trail on the mainland beginning in Cumberland to our north, then veering along the scenic coastal route wine-ing south and east.

Diamond Hill Vineyards (3145 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland): a tasting room and gift shop on the premises, Diamond Hill has been growing grapes since 1976. Products include-- Estate Pinot Noir, Estate Pinot Noir Rose, River Valley White, Blackstone Blush, Cranberry Apple, Spiced Apple, Blackberry and Blueberry.

Shelalara Vineyards & Winery (Coventry): a small winery, Shelalara hosts events at their locale. Their product line consists of California wines, glacier(dessert wines), and fruit essence wines low in sulfites.

Sakonnet Vineyards (162 West Main Rd.,Little Compton): founded in 1975, fifty acres produce viniferous varieties including Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Noir, and Cabernet Franc as well as Vidal Blanc-- one of the French-American hybrids. Wine production has climbed to over 30,000 cases annually with many wines receiving awards in domestic and international competitions. One such award among several is the "2009 Edible Communities Local Hero Beverage Artisan Award." The Hospitality Center is open every day through all seasons for tours as well as for hosting events and functions.

Greenvale Vineyard (582 Wapping Rd. Portsmouth): listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places, Greenvale is a farm that has been run by the same family since 1863. They produce about 3500 cases of wine annually from 24 acres of grapes. Open for tours and tastings, there's jazz every Saturday from Memorial Day through October with a year long schedule of concerts and open houses.

Newport Vineyards & Winery (909 E. Main Rd -Rte. 138): 60 vineyard acres were originally planted in 1977 on a hill overlooking RI Sound with the goal of producing fine wines while preserving agricultural land from rapid development. Recipient of several awards, one is "Riesling Best of Show" out of 458 entries in 2008. One may shop in the store for vino and other unique gifts, schedule a group tour, or attend one of their publicized events.

Langworthy Farm Winery (308 Shore Rd., Rte. 1A, Westerly): the farm was built in 1875 on the historical homesite of Governor Samuel Ward. One can relax on one of the porches surrounding their Bed &Breakfast while sipping a glass of their vinery finery. Having planted Vinifera grape vines in the spring of 2002, the first stainless steel barrel of Chardonnay was produced that same year. Since then, several have fermented with intriguing names influenced by the locale-Rhody Riesling, Westerly White, Napatree Cabernet Sauvignon. The winery is open to the public.

Location, location, location has afforded the smallest state an impressive yield of fine wines rivaling those from the north of France. The grapevine trail offers natives and out-of-town tasters many flavorful opportunities to sample what grapes have wrought when favorable "terroir" prevails.

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